the irresponsible clojure guild


The irresponsible clojure guild (founded 2015) is a community-run organisation that provides high quality clojure tools for solving real-world problems.

Please feel free to report issues and submit PRs via github.


[irresponsible/anarchy "0.2.0"] (new library) released!

posted 2017-05-11 by jjl

anarchy is a business logic library that models problems as a table of conditions and actions. It has been designed so that non-technical users can understand it and it is intended that it is used in conjunction with a user interface to enable end-users to edit the logic.

[irresponsible/codependence "0.1.0"] (new library) released!

posted 2017-03-19 by jjl

codependence is a modern dependency resolution library that enables you to structure your application as pure data.

With this release, we are sunsetting the venerable oolong. Active development will no longer occur on oolong except in response to github issues. Oolong remains stable and production-ready, we just think codependence is a lot better.

[irresponsible/tentacles "0.6.1"] (adopted library) released!

posted 2017-03-18 by jjl

tentacles is a client library for the github api.

We have adopted tentacles owing to the passing away of its previous maintainer, Antony Grimes (Raynes). Antony was a huge influence in the clojure community and a profilic open source contributor. He will be missed, but his memory will live on in his software and in the memories of those who knew him.

[irresponsible/overload "0.1.1"] released!

posted 2016-11-20 by jjl

[irresponsible/unscrew "0.2.1"] released!

posted 2016-11-20 by jjl